We Respect …

“We Respect Your Privacy” explores the complex relationship between technology, privacy, and power. The use of the Lenticular print technique, which allows the viewer to see either the outside or the inside of the van by changing the viewing angle, is a clever and powerful way to convey the message of the artwork.

The van, with the Facebook logo, prominently displayed, serves as a symbol of the social media giant's reach and influence in our lives. The slogan "We Respect Your Privacy" on the inside, is a commentary on the company's public statements about protecting user privacy, but when viewed from another angle, the inside of the van is filled with people working on computers and spy gear, highlighting the disconnect between Facebook's public statements and its actions.

  • Size: 110cm x 100cm.

  • Released in a limited series of 25.

  • Includes a signed and numbered certificate of authenticity.

  • Can be framed to your needs upon request.

  • 3500€